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匹配条件: “Marco Antonio; Colombari Filho” ,找到相关结果约67107条。
Utilización del dise?o TTC para detectar epistasis en soya
Acevedo Barona,Marco Antonio; Colombari Filho,José Manoel; Olivio Geraldi,Isaías;
Agronomía Tropical , 2009,
Abstract: the study of the nature of the genetic variability present in a population is important, not only for the selection of the type of the cultivar, but also for the selection of the more appropriate breeding method. in order to study the epistatic variation for grain yield in soybean, the "modified triple test cross" (ttc) method for plant self (jinks et al., 1969) was used. the experimental material used in this work was conformed by 32 lines (pi), chosen randomly, which later were crossed with other 2 lines of the same population, contrasting for grain yield and used as testers (l1 and l2).during cycle 2006/2007, 100 treatments were evaluated in the design triple lattice tripled (9 replicates) in experimental plots of 2.00 meters length, separated 0.50 meters. considering the methodology of biometric analysis, the contrast of the means () allowed the detection of significant epistasis through f and t tests for grain yield in soybean. therefore it is possible to conclude that, in soybean, the character grain yield is affected by the interaction between loci (epistasis)
Epistasia para a produ??o de gr?os em soja
Barona, Marco Antonio Acevedo;Colombari Filho, José Manoel;Geraldi, Isaias Olivio;
Bragantia , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0006-87052009000200004
Abstract: grain yield is the most important trait in soybeans [glycine max (l.) merrill]. it is characterized by quantitative inheritance and high environmental effects. selection strategies used for development of soybean cultivars could be optimized by the study of the relative importance of the variance components, in particular the proportion of the non-allelic interaction components (epistasis). in order to study the epistatic variation for grain yield in soybeans the "modified triple test cross" (ttc) method (jinks et al), was used. thirty two inbred lines (pi) derived from a single cross were crossed with two divergent inbred lines (l1 e l2) of the same population and evaluated in 2006/2007 growing season in a triple lattice design (9 replications) with 100 entries: 32 pi x l1 crosses (l1i), 32 pi x l2 crosses (l2i), 34 inbred lines (32 pi plus two testers) and two commercial controls. the variation among the mean contrasts (l1i + l2i - pi) ) was highly significant in the analysis of variance (p<0.01), indicating the occurrence of epistasis. results indicate that epistasis can be an important component for the expression of grain yield in soybeans and consequently it needs to be included in the model for the partition of the genetic components of variance.
Heterose e distancias genéticas moleculares para a produ??o de gr?os em soja
Colombari Filho, José Manoel;Geraldi, Isaias Olívio;Barona, Marco Antonio Acevedo;
Ciência e Agrotecnologia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-70542010000400020
Abstract: heterosis has been reported for grain yield in soybeans, and despite the fact that hybrid cultivars have not been used yet, the knowledge of heterosis magnitude is very important for a previous selection of crosses, since heterosis is related to parental divergence. however, the obtention of enough f1 seeds for experimental evaluation in plots is a time-consuming task, and thus, other indicators of the occurrence of heterosis could be very useful. the objective of this work was to evaluate heterosis and its relationship with aflp molecular genetic distance (dg). six f1 hybrids, derived from parents with different levels of genetic distances (dg) and their respective parents, were evaluated in completely randomized block designs, with four replications. heterosis estimates were very different among different crosses, varying from 6.29 to 56.50% for mid-parent heterosis (hmg) and from -0.34 to 51.30% for high-parent heterosis (hgs). besides, the correlation between heterosis and genetic distances (dg) were very high (0.83 and 0.60,respectively, for hmg and hgs), which indicates that dg can be used as indicative of more divergent crosses, and thus, as one criterion for selection of more divergent parents.
ARTICLE - Epistatic effects on grain yield of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill
Marco Antonio Acevedo Barona,José Manoel Colombari Filho,Vanderlei da Silva Santos,Isaias Olívio Geraldi
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology , 2012,
Abstract: Studies addressing the estimation of genetic parameters in soybean have not emphasized the epistatic effects. The purpose of this study was to estimate the significance of these effects on soybean grain yield, based on the Modified Triple Test Cross design. Thirty-two inbred lines derived from a cross between two contrasting lines were used, which were crossed with two testers (L1 and L2). The experiments were carried out at two locations, in 10 x 10 triple lattice designs with 9 replications, containing 32 lines (Pi ), 64 crosses (32 Pi x L1 and 32 Pi x L2 ) and controls. The variation between ( L 1i + L 2i - P i ) revealed the presence of epistasis, as well as an interaction of epistasis x environment. Since the predominant component of epistasis in autogamous species is additive x additive (i type), we suggest postponing the selection for grain yield to later generations of inbreeding in order to exploit the beneficial effects of additive x additive epistasis.
Responsabilidade social e investimento social privado: entre o discurso e a evidencia??o
Milani Filho, Marco Antonio Figueiredo;
Revista Contabilidade & Finan?as , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1519-70772008000200008
Abstract: this study aims to investigate if companies that declare themselves socially responsible divulge specific financial information on resources spent in public benefit (private social investment) and, also, if the dimension of these expenses is significantly different between companies whose products are associated to negative externalities and the organizations members of the corporate sustainability index (csi) of the s?o paulo stock exchange (bovespa). the sample consisted of 52 companies, separated in: 34 csi participant organizations and 18 companies from the tobacco, alcoholic beverages and arms industries. the data were obtained from annual reports (fiscal years 2005 and 2004), websites, social statements and the bovespa electronic database. questionnaires were sent to managers of companies that did not disclose their social projects. although most of the companies declare themselves socially responsible, the results appointed that 11.8% of csi companies and 72.2% of organizations associated with negative externalities do not divulge financial information on social expenses, generating doubts about the existence or the dimension of their investments in the community. only two tobacco companies (cta continental and souza cruz) used to disclose social information. they stand out because they present higher average levels of social investments than csi companies, suggesting that they have specific incentives for such behavior.
Avalia o de motivos para uso de álcool: uma revis o de literatura
Hauck Filho, Nelson,Teixeira, Marco Antonio Pereira
Psico , 2011,
Abstract: Os motivos para uso de álcool s o variáveis importantes que ajudam a compreender o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. Motivos para usar álcool podem ser representados através de uma estrutura de quatro dimens es inter-relacionadas: social, realce, coping e conformidade. O objetivo desta revis o de literatura é apresentar o conceito de motivos para uso de álcool, distinguindo-o de expectativas sobre o uso e enfatizando seu duplo papel como preditores e mediadores em estudos sobre o uso de álcool. Modelos fatoriais empíricos representativos do construto e algumas dificuldades na avalia o s o também debatidas. Ao final, ressalta-se a utilidade potencial da avalia o de motivos para uso de álcool em situa es de interven o clínica com alcoolistas e a necessidade de constru o e adapta o de instrumentos de avalia o no país.
Competitividade e inclus?o social por meio do esporte
Azevedo, Marco Antonio Oliveira de;Gomes Filho, Arnóbio;
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-32892011000300005
Abstract: in projects of social inclusion, sports are privileged strategies. but sports are competitive games. how could the practice of competitive games support the generous aims of social inclusion? in this paper, we will analyze this problem and clarify the concepts of "game", "sport" and "competition". it is an essay that deals with theoretical issues, employing as methodology the philosophical analysis and dialectical argumentation. we will also make a review of the subject "sports and social inclusion". we will argue that nevertheless sports actually are competitive games there is not any opposition between competition and inclusion. as a matter of fact, sports are "zero-sum" games. but modern sports are institutionalized, allowing their players practice them as stable occupations. in conclusion, institutionalized and disciplined, sports become "positive-sum" arrangements, making the opportunity of becoming a life choice, consequently favoring social inclusion.
Roberto Giro Moori,Marco Antonio Almeida Filho,Reynaldo Cavalheiro Marcondes
Revista de Administra??o FACES Journal , 2009,
Abstract: Este estudo objetivou identificar as fontes de vantagem competitiva de empresas alimentícias, localizadas na regi o metropolitana de S o Paulo, SP. Os dados coletados por meio de entrevistas espontaneas e estimuladas junto a sete empresas, e tratadas pela análise de conteúdo e estatística descritiva evidenciaram: a) na espontanea, a presen a dos componentes tradicionais das estratégias de marketing “4 Ps” como fontes de vantagens competitivas e b) na estimulada, a presen a de fontes competitivas baseadas na RBV, voltados à melhoria da qualidade de servi o. A conclus o básica é de que as fontes associadas aos "4 Ps" s o muito presentes e constituem importante referência para os gestores de nível médio e operacional participantes do estudo. No entanto, e aparentemente de maneira menos consciente, os conceitos estratégicos ligados ao RBV também est o presentes nas suas considera es. Por se tratar de um estudo exploratório, foram formuladas algumas hipóteses sobre esse fen meno.
Governan a no terceiro setor: estudo sobre uma organiza o francesa do século XIX [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.20111001003]
Marco Antonio Figueiredo Milani Filho,Aida Maria Mendes Milani
Revista Eletr?nica de Ciência Administrativa - RECADM , 2011, DOI: 10.5329/701
Abstract: RESUMO A elabora o deste trabalho foi motivada pela possibilidade de identifica o, na estrutura organizacional de entidades do passado, das práticas e mecanismos de governan a atualmente recomendados. O objetivo deste estudo exploratório foi identificar os principais elementos de governan a de uma organiza o do Terceiro Setor do século XIX e compará-los com os atuais elementos relacionados às melhores práticas. Como base comparativa, adotou-se um conjunto de 24 itens de governan a recomendados pelo IBGC, adaptados às organiza es sem fins lucrativos. Pretendeu-se verificar a conformidade e a atualidade da estrutura de governan a da Société Parisienne des études Spirites - SPEE, a qual foi selecionada por sua relevancia histórica e cultural, pois serviu de modelo para a cria o de milhares de organiza es religiosas semelhantes em todo o mundo. Efetuou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os principais aspectos do projeto elaborado em 1868, por Allan Kardec, para a implanta o de um conselho administrativo e para o desenvolvimento operacional da SPEE. Analisou-se a presen a ou ausência das práticas de governan a listadas pelo IBGC. A investiga o apontou que 50% dos modernos elementos de governan a estavam integralmente contidos na proposta organizacional da SPEE, 25% estavam parcialmente presentes e os demais 25% estavam ausentes, sinalizando a importancia com que essas práticas foram tratadas. Palavras-Chave Governan a; melhores práticas; Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas. ABSTRACT The preparation of this work was motivated by the possibility of identification of currently recommended practices and mechanisms of governance in the organizational structure of historical entities. The objective of this exploratory study was to identify the key elements of governance of an organization of the Third Sector established in the nineteenth century and compare them with current elements relating to best practice. As a comparative basis, a set of 24 items recommended by IBGC governance tailored to nonprofit organizations were adopted in the paper. It was intended to verify compliance and timeliness of the governance structure of the Société Parisienne des Etudes Spirites - SPEE, which was selected for its cultural and historical relevance, since it served as model for the establishment of thousands of similar religious organizations around the world. We conducted a literature search on the main aspects of the project prepared in 1868 by Allan Kardec, for the deployment of an board of directors and the operational development of the SPEE. We analyzed t
Ergodicity and Central Limit Theorem in Systems with Long-Range Interactions
Annibal Figueiredo,Tarcisio Marciano da Rocha Filho,Marco Antonio Amato
Physics , 2008, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/83/30011
Abstract: In this letter we discuss the validity of the ergodicity hypothesis in theories of violent relaxation in long-range interacting systems. We base our reasoning on the Hamiltonian Mean Field model and show that the life-time of quasi-stationary states resulting from the violent relaxation does not allow the system to reach a complete mixed state. We also discuss the applicability of a generalization of the central limit theorem. In this context, we show that no attractor exists in distribution space for the sum of velocities of a particle other than the Gaussian distribution. The long-range nature of the interaction leads in fact to a new instance of sluggish convergence to a Gaussian distribution.

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